Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Counting Your Nutrients

Women are naturals at calorie counting. But while calorie counters gain a sense of weight control, it doesn’t say much about what we’re chewing to fuel our bodies. Nutrient counting, a.k.a. Nutrient Balance, is the key to a hot, healthy, energetic body.

So, what the heck is “Nutrient Balance”?

Simply put, it’s looking at our macronutrients—carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats—to make sure that we get some of each one at each eating occasion.

This is more important than we think. We get different types of energy and nutritional support from each of these important nutrient groups. Skip one and your energy and body functions suffer. Indulge in too much of one, and the body puts the extra in storage (hello, can you say fat cells?!)

To see what foods fall into which groups, HBD’s Resident Dietitian, Ashley Koff, has developed a nutrition plan to help you out. Download it for free at

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Your Rx.

For most, you want to get 1 serving each of a carb, protein and healthy fat at each meal. Top that off with as many vegetables as your little heart desires.

Eat every three hours.

For those of you who eat like a bird or skip meals because you’re drowning in emails, you should be sneaking in an “eating occasion” every three hours. Translation: Get your 1 serving of each on a consistent basis. Make it work.

Some play both sides.

Note that some foods fall into combined groups (i.e. “carbs & proteins” or “proteins & fats”). This means that a serving from one of those groups counts for both. So if you spoon down some beans, you’re consuming a carb and a protein—just top the beans with a healthy fat like avocado and you’ve got a complete nutrient balanced meal.

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