Friday, January 27, 2012


Guess who was featued on WE WERE!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Right now... I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster. There is alot going on for me in 2012 and I want everything to be as close to perfect as I can get it. With Jacelyn going to Florida for school for a week in June, Us moving in as a family in the Summer and the Wedding in the fall, I feel like there is alot to do and little time to try and do it all in.........Pray for me.

Friday, January 20, 2012


I practiced positivity.. I smiled when I wanted to cry, I walked away when I wanted to stay, I counted to ten when I wanted to choke someone. I backed away when asked, I let go of some things because it was time.In this, I found myself happy, and joyous, I am in a very good place nothing but positive vibes radiating from my soul. Enjoy life, friends, family..but most important..enjoy being yourself!.....


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I am not big on making resolutions for New Years but here are a few things I do want to try and change for 2012.....

1. Making Healthier Choices for myself and my family
2. Staying in touch with people more because you just never know anymore
3. Commit myself to having a more positive outlook on life and everything in it
4. Blog more.... Its good for my soul
5. Spend more time with Jacelyn and Isaiah
6. Spend more time with Scott .... :)
7. Keep my stress level down
8. Do more for the community/world
9. Finish writing my story/book
10. Become Mrs. Jasmine Cameron