Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Times do Change

One of my Bridesmaids asked me today if I was excited about getting married and I say yes, especially since I didn't think I would ever be a Bride. Never she said, Why?

My past is not a sketchy one but it was a roller coaster as far as love was concerned. I tried to love and be loved but it didn't happen the way I wanted it to. My last serious relationship was with my daughter's father and that ended very bad for me...Totally broken hearted.

There after I met guys, liked them but some saw me as a friend or the sister they never had... So I did Classic Jasmine and built a brick wall high to the sky over my heart so it could not feel pain.

And then he came along.... Mr. Scott Cameron, the man that would change my life for the rest of my life and slowly but surely he broke down my wall. Believe me, I gave him hell trying to do it but he was persistent and I'm glad he was.

In 213 days, I will marry my best friend. How cool is that.

It goes to show you to never give up on love, cause it will fight for you.

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