Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Best Wedding Proposals of 2008

Story Book Proposal

"He took me out to dinner, and afterward we went to Barnes & Noble. We meandered over to the children's books section to pick up a few Christmas presents, and then he pulled a little red book off the shelf and said, 'Oh look, what's this?' The book was called, Fun with Emily and Jarrod, kind of like a Dick and Jane book, but instead, it was the illustrated story of our relationship. He read it to me, and at the end, the 'Jarrod' in the book had a pressing question to ask the 'Emily'...and he pulled out the ring and proposed! The last page of the book said, 'The beginning...'"

A Real Winner

"The date of a triathlon I was competing in happened to fall on the two-year anniversary of the night I met my fiancé. After a 1-mile swim, a 24.2-mile bike ride, and a grueling 6.2-mile run in the hottest part of the day, I rounded the corner and headed for the finish line. My friends and family were cheering as I crossed it, but then I received the biggest surprise of all! Right at the finish, Brian was down on one knee holding my finisher's medal and a ring!"


"My sister, who was in NYC doing an internship at US Weekly magazine, asked if she could take pictures of me holding the magazine for a project she was working on. When I got to the "Shopping" page, I noticed a picture of a really cute dog in an ad. I thought, 'He looks just like my dog, Aspen.' Then I realized that it was my dog ─ and he had an engagement ring. The ad included my name in big letters, and read, "Will you marry me?" Then my now-fiancĂ© came out of nowhere, got down on one knee, and proposed. For the next week, I continued to get emails and calls from people that knew me and had seen the ad in the magazine. It was amazing!"

Artfully Done

"We were at the museum, and in the middle of one of the exhibits was a timeline about scientific discoveries and advancements. At the end was a slideshow of pictures of us and our families that he'd had the museum add. It read: 'On February 16th, 2008, Will discovers that he is a perfect match with Andrea.' As soon as I saw it, he got down on one knee and presented me with an engagement ring."

The Right Words

"He took me to a local rose garden to play Scrabble. It was a travel Scrabble board where the letters stick in place, so when I opened the board and saw letters already in place, I thought, I don't think we were in the middle of a game. I took a second look, and saw that he had spelled, "Laura, will you marry me?" When I looked up at him, he was on his knee holding out the ring. We haven't taken the letters off of that board since."

Swimming with Dolphins

"On Valentine's Day we found ourselves on a small island just off of Paradise Island swimming with the dolphins. They did the cutest tricks: danced with us, kissed us, and dove to the ocean floor to retrieve 'presents' for us. James' dolphin came up with only a pebble, but my dolphin handed me a big white box, in which was my engagement ring!"

Top of the World

"My dad had plans to fly to a business meeting in a helicopter, but things fell through and there was an extra seat, so he invited me to go up with him and my mom for a ride. We flew into the Rockies and were getting close to Fisher Peak when my Dad said, 'Hey Cas, what's that?' And there was Evan on the highest part of the tallest mountain holding a sign that read, 'CAS, WILL YOU MARRY ME?' My mom passed me a gift bag with a ring inside. It usually takes about four hours to get off of the mountain, but Evan was on one knee at our front door an hour later."

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